Friday, April 9, 2010

a pit bull named Schubert

On Sunday night I took my dog, who has a very bad habit of running off after what ever takes his fancy, out for his bed time potty break.  Just a few seconds after getting out the door, he took off down the drive barking his head off.  I ran out after him to see him running up to a large dog in the dark, all the while barking at him like mad.  This dog turned out to be a rather large reddish/tan pit bull.  My husband ended up calling him Schubert
He turned out to be the sweetest, goof ball of a dog I've ever met.  I ended up brining him in the house and taking him to a vet the following afternoon to see if he had a chip.

There was so many weird things that went on with trying to find who this dog belonged to.  I was able to get him into a pit bull rescue organization, only to find out that he had heart worms, along with whip worms, and hook worms.

Today while at work my husband took him outside because he was making a huge mess in the house.  He called me to let me know that Schubert had busted out of the gate and was gone.  He went out looking as best he could, seeing as he has lost a good bit of his sight.

When I got home we drove around looking for him and even walked around looking for him.  On the way home we met a couple of guys and after asking if they had seen him, they told us that he had just found his pit today that had been missing for a few days.

I'm guessing that he was Schubert's owner, I wish had I been thinking straight and shown him the picture on my phone.  I wish I would have told him how sick his dog was and that he really needed to get him to a vet.  I would have done a lot differently if I had been thinking straight.

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