Saturday, April 3, 2010


I've decided that I wanted to have something to remember my times and lessons as a professional dog trainer.

A few weeks back, well I guess almost a month ago now I guess, I was attacked by a lab puppy.  He was less than a year old and I don't know what he had suffered to have so much aggression so early on in life.  I kept trying to think back to figure out what I could have done differently but if I had not been the one to go into his den he would have gotten someone else, and it could have been a lot worse.   I have to say that I don't remember him biting me, and it only hurt afterwards and I was to concerned with trying not to hurt him while trying to restrain him that I didn't really even notice that he had got me until someone said I was bleeding.  I didn't think it was going to affect me but while standing in a den with a dog that went after another dogs feet under the den wall made me jump and yelp.  So I guess it has affected me.

I hope that it will stick with me enough to keep me safe for the rest of my career.

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