Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crate - Training aid or Cage

I was talking to a very good friend of mine last night, who just got a 2 month old Dachshund.  She is a first time puppy owner and has only ever had cats.  
As we talked about potty training I asked her "do you have a crate for Molly yet?"
She had not bought Molly a crate yet because she didn't want to confine her to a crate all day when she was at work/school. 

I told her the pros/cons of using a crate and how to use it effectively for potty training.  As we talked about it I started thinking about how many other people I'd had the same conversation with who all seemed to think the crate was a cruel cage to keep their dog locked up in all day. 

Think about it this way, would you give your 2 year old toddler free rein of the house when you were not home???  No you wouldn't even leave your 2 year old at home when you were not there, but that's beside the point.  Giving your dog free rein of the house when they are puppies is just like turning your kid loose in the house.  They get into all kinds of things.  If you have ever had to child proof your house, you know what I'm talking about.  I've hear tales of schnauzers getting up on kitchen counters, falling off, and getting hurt badly. The worst was of a lab that got into medicine cabinet and had to have his stomach pumped.  

Using a crate should be a good thing for the dog in every way.  Dogs are den animals and they like having a little space that is all theirs.  Don't we as humans like to have our own quiet place to just get away from it all?

The crate should be used to keep your dog safe when you are not able to supervise him/her.  It should also be used as a training aid in potty training, and impulse/self control.

If you would like more information about the use of crates in training, please feel free to email me at michelle@PawsitivelyFunK9Training.com

Monday, March 14, 2011

Getting ready for a Road Trip

16 days until we set off for New York, I'm already trying to plan out the best way to secure the kids in the back seat.  Tazie is no problem he has a car harness and will just be secured to the seat belt so that he can move around but not move from the back seat.  His sister, Maggie Cat is going to be a different story.  I'm thinking of fitting her with a harness as well.  I don't want to confine her to a crate for 8 hours a day on the drive up.

We are going to take her on a few trips around the interstate just to get her used to being in the car.  We are getting her used to her harness again slowly by letting her wear it a few hours a day while she is outside.  Next week I will start trying to walk her on the leash again and hopefully that will get her about ready to take the trip.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Launching my own business

My husband just took a job in  Rochester, NY...   ROAD TRIP!!

Having been a dog trainer for a few years now and not really getting to train as much as I want to, I've decided that when we get there I will try doing some training on my own.  I'm quiet keen to actually get to focus on training and not have to just fit in in where I can.  I launched my website the other night and though I really want to plaster it everywhere I don't want to upset my current boss anymore than need before I leave.  I think I can wait 3 weeks before I get all "look what I've done".

I can't wait to start this road trip!